Fellowship and Teaching are important aspects of a church community. We provide times for growth and fellowship weekly through Bible studies and other ministry opportunities. 

Bible Study

Men's Bible Study - 10:00 am on Sunday Morning.  Located in the Church Office Building.  Taught by Paul F.  

Ladies Bible Study ("Dorcas" Class) - 10:00 am on Sunday Morning.  Located in the Church Classrooms.  Taught by Gail Perkins.  

Fellowship & Ministry

Brotherhood and Sisters in Spirit - Monthly meetings dedicated to the building up of the church, projects, etc.

Men's Steak Night - RHBC participates in the Men's Steak Night held at the Diamond D Ranch that is held at various intervals throughout the year.  

Ministry Opportunities - Looking for ministry opportunities? We are always looking for those who want to help minister in the areas of music, first impressions (greeters), working on projects, teaching, and more!